Warding Off Colds, Coughs and Flu
Combat germs hard and fast. Plan a healthy winter.
Be a warrior against germs.
It is that time of the year again. Learn the right strategies and know what to do when you may come down with a germ.
Germs are all around us, however if we keep well and healthy, the germs will not fester.
Be it viral or bacterial attack try to ward off germs.
Picture this:
Scene 1
- Bit run down, busy at work, few people sick in the office and stress levels are high.
- You wake in the middle of the night, throat a little sore. You turn over you go back to sleep.
- By morning you have a burning throat, sniffily nose and a slight fever.
- You get up, have a shower and get ready for work. “It will be ok,” “I’ll be right” are thoughts going through your head.
- By midmorning you feel bad, your throat is burning and you are headachy.
- The germs are having a party.
- BANG, you are sick.
Or Scene 2:
- Bit run down, busy at work, few people sick in the office and stress levels are high.
- You wake in the middle of the night, throat is sore. A little voice in your head says
“WARNING, ok I’m run down and I do NOT want to get sick”
- You get out of bed as soon as you feel this sign - you know the ideal gargle for you and you gargle.
- You know the natural remedies that work so you swallow some.
- You go back to bed
- In the morning, you get up and have a healthy breakfast.
You juice some raw vegies.
- You gargle again, and swallow some appropriate natural remedies that in the past have worked for you.
- You listen to your body, “am I best to stay home or go to work and have an early night that evening”
- At work, you drink immune boosting teas and filtered water.
- Come home, have a healthy dinner or warm soup. You cancel any evening activities.
- Early to bed. Maybe even some aromatherapy
- The next day you are feeling well. You do the same combat day just to consolidate, thou you are already feeling better. GREAT you did it
Message here is act quickly, see the warning and know your action plan. Listen to your body and know what works.
Next time you come in to the clinic talk to the naturopath, if you have not already, about what you can try if you get sick. It helps if they have seen you sick with colds in the past as they can check your files and give ideas and structure a plan. It is hard to predict but there are patterns.
Each year there are different germs and each year you see a pattern in the remedies to fight germs. You also see patterns to the individual. Even in our house I know the things my kids and husband usually respond to. If your plan is not working in 48 hours then call the clinic and we will find you a time to fine turn what will work for you for this particular germ.
You may like to have things as preventers but do not take these in too high dose. You want to make an impact when you need it. Talk this through with your practitioner. Talk to them about the germ exposure in your work or school. Public transport can make a difference too. Lastly if you have been on antibiotics this can mean you are more susceptible to germs in the near future.
Gargle Ideas (check whether to spit it out or swallow)
- Coconut oil pulling
- Salt
- Bicarb soda
- Thyme etc
- Iodine
- Rosehip
- Ginger
- Elderflower
- Lemon grass
- Green Tea
- Lemon and Honey
- Quercetin
- Rosehip
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin D
- Potassium
- Salt
- Silica
- Iron
- Zinc
Amino Acids
- Lysine
- Larch
- Acidophilus
- Bifidis
- Lactoferrin
Herbs - teas, supplements and tinctures
- Andrographis
- Thyme
- Ginger
- Echinacea
- Olive
- Astragalus
- Oregano
- Scutellaria
- Mullein
- Poke
- Liquorice
- Garlic
- Clove
- Lemon grass oil
- Eucalyptus oil
- Peppermint oil
Nasal Sprays
- Saline
- Bicarb
This is just a brain storm of ideas that may help you.
If you are not sure discuss it with your naturopath when you see her next or call and make an appointment.